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Donbass Film Review

War in Ukraine Prequel: Satirical Film "Donbass" Finally Released in US

Film Highlights Social Destabilization Amidst Conflict

Sergei Loznitsa's 2018 Film Depicts Brutal Reality

A massacre leaving at least a dozen dead, a film crew is randomly gunned down by separatists—a grim reality captured in Sergei Loznitsa's 2018 film "Donbass."

Set in the titular war-torn region of Ukraine, the film presents a brutally matter-of-fact and cynically comic depiction of the conflict's impact on society. Loznitsa's camera captures scenes of social destabilization and absurdity, jumping from vignette to vignette to create a surreal and disorienting journey.

The film's release in the United States comes as the war in Ukraine continues to rage, making its commentary on the devastating effects of conflict even more poignant. Loznitsa's unflinching portrayal of the human toll serves as a stark reminder of the horrors that war inflicts upon both individuals and communities.


Sergei Loznitsa's "Donbass" is a powerful and haunting film that exposes the brutal realities of war and the profound ways it disrupts human lives. As the war in Ukraine continues to unfold, Loznitsa's cinematic masterpiece serves as a chilling reminder of the lasting scars that conflict can leave on a society.
